İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
Dilek sok. No:6/10 Kat:1
Tuzla / İstanbul / Türkiye
Tanned leathers(Chrome-Wet White-Vegetal) even used fungucides,the goods remained long
time,it’s very difficult to overcome fungus on the surface of the leathers.
First greenish coloured appearance having fungus generally microorganizma start to decay
the leathers.During the time colour changes yellow to red.İn this situation it is impossible to produce
natural,pastel colours etc.If the fungus not removed from the leather not only destroying the surface
grain of article,even dyed darker colours after finishing,it’s not possible to eliminate dull and matt
appearance.Espacially fungus colour changed to reddish until elimination,it is becoming impossible to
solve the problems.
With ANTI PP and ANTI PP II it is possible to eliminate this problems strictly.With a special process,as seen in
below pictures final appearance is that as leather just Chrome tanned.